Canvas Studio Thumbnail

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Community Novice

How can I submit a feature request for the Canvas Studio thumbnail?  Why does it choose a random image for the thumbnail.  Since most people like have a title slide, it would seem that the first image is a more logicial choice.  Now I am going to have to make a screen shot of the first slide and upload it.  Or give as an option to choose the first image or a random image?



1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello @jferrara ...

You can always submit an idea for enhancements to Canvas (and Studio) by checking out the following Guides under the heading "Ideas and Themes" located here:

Instructure Community Guide - Instructure Community (

As you may already be aware, you can manually upload a thumbnail image to your Studio video following the instructions in this Guide:

How do I replace a Canvas Studio video thumbnail? - Instructure Community - 1698 (

I hope this information will be of help to you.  Let Community members know if we can do anything else to help you out...thanks!

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