Longevity of the Portfolium folio

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Community Novice

Please explain how the content I upload is accessible as a folio for me to share into the future, post being a student and having access to the canvas of my university. Can I continue to add to the portfolio across my working life? 

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1 Solution

Hello @CarolynRundell 
Thank you for posting in the Community!
The Canvas Student ePortfolio does not get cleared out or deleted at any time, so you do have the ability of adding to your Profile as you gain experience and education. The account does need to be accessible after you graduate however, so we usually recommend students adding a personal email on file, in order to make sure they are able to access after graduation. Here is a guide for adding additional emails to your account: 

Please let us know if you are having any further questions about this, and if you are trying to gain access into a previous account, our support team would be glad to help. Please email us at support@portfolium.com if you are needing any assistance!

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