The second or third thing I thought of is that when you import a CSV file, that the import process runs in the background and so it may look like grades haven't been imported, but it's really a case of they haven't been imported yet. How long that takes depends on the size of the course and the number of grades that you're importing.
The first thing I thought of is that I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. Are you saying that some student grades import correctly while others do not? Or are you saying that some assignments (columns) import correctly while others do not? I've never had a problem with the grade import working as long as I follow the rules.
The CSV being UTF-8 encoding is probably not the issue unless you have international characters in your student names or assignment names. If you do not have any special characters, just save it as a CSV (Comma delimited) type. If there are special characters, then use the CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) type.
The UTF-8 may also pop up as the reason if you can identify the students or assignments where the import is failing. If it always happens when a student or assignment has UTF-8 in them, then I would look there. I will also mention that there are different types of UTF-8 byte-order marker (BOM) that might be an issue. Canvas has settings under your Account > Settings > Feature Options (scroll down to find).
The other thing I would suggest is opening up the CSV file that you are trying to send and double checking that everything looks good. Again, look for the obvious, but things that are different for the grades that failed to import that might indicate an issue.
I would also delete any unnecessary columns and see if that helps. If I'm only changing the grade for one assignment, then I would keep the mandatory columns, that assignment column, and delete everything else. If it works when I do this, then it suggest the issue is somewhere else, which isn't even necessary.
With complex calculations, you are probably copying your spreadsheet and pasting as values into a new spreadsheet and then save that as a CSV. This allows you to keep your calculations in one place but still generate the CSV for re-import. The copy/paste probably isn't an issue, but then that brings the proper BOM back into play. The file you downloaded might have it, but the one you copy/pasted into would not.
At this point, I'm grasping at straws, but if your download from Canvas opens in Numbers rather than Excel and then you copy/paste it into Excel, there might be something lost in the transition. I have no evidence to back that up other than when my students use Numbers in my stats class, they run into issues that they don't get if they use Excel. I mention it just as something that might be a potential issue.
A lot of the suggestions here have to do with the file you're sending. Other than a delay if it's a large file, I've not had issues with Canvas importing. But I also had no UTF-8 in the files. It's been a while since I've done a CSV import. I code some, so I write scripts that download the assignment submissions (to get the scores) directly from Canvas, do the calculations, and then update the grades in Canvas. All of that is done without having to download/upload a CSV file. I set that process to run on a server once an hour (sometimes more frequently) and I don't have to mess with it except at the start of a new term when I have to change the IDs for the courses and assignments.