how to delete instructor's comment to a student's assignment

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I have searched topics on how to delete an instructor's comment regarding a student's assignment. I found three options: 1) hover over the comment *2) click on an "x" *3) click on a "t" (cross). None of these have been successful. How do I delete a comment I made to a student regarding their submitted assignment? Thank you. Kevin Mattson/Instructor

*no such symbols

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1 Solution

@KevinRM ...

Thanks for the detail on where you were seeing those options via the fly-out menu in your "Grades" screen.  I think the area I was referring to was directly in the SpeedGrader for the student's assignment.  Good on you to work with a student to see if your comments could be edited/deleted.  You could also test this with your school's local Canvas administrator.  They may have a "dummy" student account they would use to test out all of this in a sandbox course or something similar.  Good luck to you as you try this all out.

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