h5p assignments not posting to gradebook

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When students submit for an h5p assignment late (past the due date/time in Canvas) the grades are not posted to the gradebook.  I've checked with h5p and they are saying it is something in Canvas. Other integrations (Harmonize and Hypothesis) do post scores for late submissions and have an option setting to allow this.  Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere in Canvas to make this work with h5p?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @rrudd,

I think H5P might be wrong about this being something with Canvas (as evidenced by other 3rd party tools doing this just fine).  I'm a Canvas admin for my institution, and one of the most frustrating parts of my job is troubleshooting issues like this, as typically the 3rd party will blame Canvas, Canvas will blame the 3rd party, and we're stuck in the middle.  What I generally do is submit tickets with the 3rd party and with Canvas, and reference those ticket numbers in both tickets.  Sometimes this helps with communication.  This may be something that you'll just have to keep pushing on though, unfortunately.

Hope this info helps, even though I know it's not a complete solution.


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