forgot password

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My school had us reset our passwords but I forgot to and I am now logged out of my account. Thankfully I am still logged into my canvas but I do not have access to my email, google drive, etc. I tried logging back in but it says that my password was changed even though I did not change it. Everything I am doing to reset or find out my password requires some type of confirmation that ultimately requires my gmail. Is there any way that I can figure out my email?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @132600 ...

I believe this is a question about passwords that you'd need to ask someone at your school to resolve for you.  Here in the Canvas Community, we do not have access to any of your systems including their Canvas environment and their Student Information System (SIS) to be able to assist with something like this.  If you can reach out to someone such as their local help desk, their on-campus Canvas administrator, or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team, they should be able to steer you in the right direction.  Good luck to you!

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