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I uploaded the syllabus, but I don't want it to be just a link, I'd like it to open. How do I do that?  (I'm an instructor)

  • 3 Replies

The only Calendar I can see is my personal one, nothing else is showing they are in the sidebars but not in the calendar, they are also showing up in UNDATED, but none of the tutorials or assessments are comign up. Am I doing something wrong? Help ap...

  • 1 Replies

Password isn't working for some reason, need to reset but when it send the email it tells me it won't reset unless I contact the administrators. Can someone please help me do this because I can't access my modules for the semester and I'm falling beh...

  • 1 Replies

I can not figure out how to record with blue button save it and submit it. I cant figure out where to do the PowerPoint and attached or complete in blue button The tutorials i was given are not helpful

  • 2 Replies

How do I find all the features mentioned in the video like To DO, gradebook .....etc in Section 4:10??? 

  • 1 Replies

Hello, I am a new member of the interdisciplinary co-op program. The COOP Experience 2022S shell is for tracking students progress against assignments but does not include grades as ultimately each student will be assigned a Pass or Fail grade only. ...

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The overall grade for the class in question is partially-derived from the average of test scores. Is there a way for canvas to average the test scores (like blackboard did very easily)?

  • 2 Replies

Hello,  I am struggling with annotating student submissions. I'm currently learning about SpeedGrader, and I read the help site that said that the annotations tool bar does not come up with text-only entries. However, I teach a foreign language, and ...

  • 3 Replies

Our university is in the process of switching from Blackboard to Canvas.  In setting up one of my courses, I have successfully migrated a set of "take-at-home" quizzes (all multiple choice) that I use as a set of homework assignments.  Each question ...

  • 3 Replies

Is it possible for students to highlight text in the modules while they are reading? Wondering if it's possible on the website and not the app.

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How do I send a video message to all course users in the Inbox as an instructor.  The online instructions do not elaborate on step 4.  I want to be able to click on a message record a video, edit if possible and send to all students.  I can record, s...

  • 1 Replies

I recently set my grades to be posted manually, not realizing that for quizzes, that would mean that students could not see the answers at the end of the quiz OR see their grades.I fixed that issue, but I have 11 students who were not able to spend t...

  • 1 Replies

Greetings Everyone:I have a course linked to Pearson's MyLab Brady.  There are a lot of homework assignments, pretests, readings ect.   I have noticed that the chapter Pretest in Pearson greatly impact the students overall grade.  Is there a way to t...

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I am using the free canvas version.  I am moderating a summer book club and one of my participants or "students" isn't able to access the canvas shell/module using the link provided from canvas.  so she asked me if it was something she could just sea...

  • 1 Replies

This year our district has made our weighted categories for us. For instance:Formatives: 60%Summatives: 40%Previously I would weight different types of assignments differently. For instance, notebook checks for 10%. Is there is a way for me to state ...

  • 1 Replies

I created a quiz with a file upload question, where students submitted a pdf as their answer. Then I used speed grader to review their submissions and assign points for correct (1) or incorrect submissions (0). In the quiz summary, Canvas isn't givin...

  • 1 Replies

Hi Ma'am,My name is Jaine Orozco, Currently taking ECE Diploma. Online program student at Lethbridge College. I have a problem of my Psychology 1 course. Every time I took the exams, my score is always low. Like 60 items my score was just in 20 or 25...

  • 1 Replies

I am building a self-paced course that would allow students to enrol at any time, and complete 5 modules and assessments.Is it possible to set up the course so that:1. Students can enrol/be enrolled at any time. Course runs ongoing.2. Students work t...

  • 2 Replies

Hi -I exported my classic quiz bank and am trying to import into New Quizzes. I keep getting an errors trying to reimport the question bank into New Quizzes. Error: there was a problem uploading your file. Any ideas? Thank you,Julie

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I am teaching two sections of basically the same course. How do I meld them together so that both groups of students have access to the same Canvas course site?

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor trying to export a Canvas course for use at a different university. I followed the instructions for exporting the course. As it is a very large course, I was expecting it to take awhile and to end up with the ZIP file everyone ment...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Could someone reputable confirm the accuracy of the canvas logs in terms of activy, timing and all activity that canvas reports. I need to understand how accurate are these logs. I was also informed that canvas uses AWS servers but was told by...

  • 7 Replies

How do I reach my instructor through canvas?

  • 1 Replies

how do I make links active on my homepage 

  • 1 Replies

How can I create a video and imbed it in a module?

  • 1 Replies

Can anyone help?  I went into my settings for the navigation menu and "grades" is listed right after "discussion" but when I go in to my course it is not there!  I checked the "student view" and it is there in that view.  Any ideas??

  • 8 Replies

I have a student in PRDV76325 that has entered a second email account.Yet, I do not think that she is receiving it at both addresses when I send her an email from the course, .My other students in the course may also have this issue. How can this be ...

  • 1 Replies

How can I start assessment?

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