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Hello!Here is the scenario: We want to be able to import all students or teachers to a subject and also give them the fitting roles. You can see what role they have by looking at the username structure. Our teacher has a logon name which consists of ...

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to delete all (passed) assignments submitted by students without removing the assignment itself?The reason I'm asking is because universities in my country (Sweden) are required to provide any past exams - and submitted responses - if ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Online radio is a fun and exciting way to listen to music from different countries and genres. It offers many benefits, such as free access, flexibility, and the ability to listen on the go. There are many ways to listen to internet radio, including ...

  • 1 Replies

In the medieval era, songtexte was a primary feature of a good tune. Today, it is more of a bonus than a requirement. Songtexte übersetzen is often used to enhance the experience at shows, and can be found in the iTunes library for promotional purpos...

  • 2 Replies

I'm having a problem swapping out new images in my class, from an imported past class. I've never had this trouble before. Our 'canvas guys' at the school CAN delete the pages for me, but haven't come up with any reason or solution to why I can't. Ha...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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I have a faculty member who will be using some of the information in a discussion activity on a test, and he would like to make sure the students can't just open another window on the test and copy and paste. He does not want to use proctoring. Does ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Why are my registered students not showing up in this tab? 

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When I open the grade tabs in one of my class it shows a blue circle indicating that a new assignment has been graded. I've opened all my assignments and nothing new has been graded. How do I get rid of it? 

  • 2 Replies

 I am an instructor.Canvas grades are incorrect when averaging.  Say the course grade is the average of 5 tests:  78.7%, 42.86%,90%,82.5%,68.42%.  When I average these numbers it comes to 72.5.  However Canvas shows it as 76.12%.  All of my grades ar...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to understand the process that governs the deletion of courses.When I send a course and section file to Canvas that contains a class that is to be deleted, then I expect that class to be deleted.  It seems like that is usually what happen...

  • 2 Replies

I have a free account, independent of any institution, but I lost the button in dashboard form creating a new course. Is there any way for me to recover this ability?

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Canvas Question Forum
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I had a semester ONE class, with quizzes. I now have a semester TWO of the same class. I imported a quiz from the semester one class into the semester two class, but get the message "Some settings have been disabled because the assignment is in a clo...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Good morning. I am an educator who is developing a course for elite-level athletes to further hone their skill set and am wondering if Canvas will work as the LMS.  Here are the needs:1.  Video uploads back and for between athlete and coach.  This is...

  • 1 Replies

I want students to move through a module with two items in sequential order. I believe I have it set up correctly, but Canvas is not enforcing the sequential order. I've attached screenshots of the module (there are two items and they are in the corr...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Presently I am using ActivePresenter to edit my videos, insert the quiz questions, then process and export the video (in SCROM format). I embed the video into Canvas. I make the link visible to my students in a Module, my students play the videos and...

  • 2 Replies

I am Zarif Eskandar I like to start studying Module 1 , in the course of Clinical Chemistry :CHEM X416-044 Quantitative Analysis : Applications in Clinical Chemistry

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 We have several assignments that are graded by SpeedGrader using an external tool. Students can exceed the limits we have set on their terms. Can submission limits be enforced? 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi All, We have a number of assignments that are done through an External tool and then graded by SpeedGrader. We noticed that the students are able to exceed the limits we have set on their assignments. Is there a way to enforce the submission limit...

  • 1 Replies

Hi there. I have been asked by every person I show our Canvas course to, if it is searchable.I see in the forums that a suggection for this development was made back in 2015:

  • 5 Replies

How can I download a pdf from the adobe website to upload it to Canvas?

  • 1 Replies

I went in my course and did some alterations to assessmentstotal points of all tasks equals 100in each assignment, the "Display marks as" is Letter Gradethe marking scheme is "Competency grading" However, I am not able to save the course. I am gettin...

  • 1 Replies

Why do some of my assignments not have a way for the student to upload their file?  There is no button up on the right hand side on my screen where it also says sped grader.  My pass/fail assignments do have the ability to upload.

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Hello, I am a Canvas admin and during the SIS updates for Enrollments, We did get a list of several errors, but I know that they can be ignored, however, at the bottom, it shows:"and 1 more warnings that were not included - Download the error file to...

  • 2 Replies

My students need to see the PowerPoints I have loaded  in Files but is is currently disabled in Student View.  How do I enable files for students?

  • 2 Replies

Hi there. I am wondering if I can control the size of the right side bar in my Canvas course. It is for "course status" when I'm in as instructor: in student view it has calendar etc displayed.This side bar really overtakes the course content window,...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,In the `learning_outcomes_results_fact` [table]( from the Canvas Data Warehouse, we used to have results from multiple questions linked to the same learning outcome in a Classic Qu...

  • 1 Replies

I want to be able to take notes from reading materials inside Canvas, so that I can reference them during class/lectures. 

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Does anyone know how to remove or delete a student from a canvas group? 

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Can I create an "open" course with no start or end dates (like a resource hub) or do all courses need start and end dates? I want students to always be able to access this course but still want to push occasional announcements out to it.

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We recently switched to using New Quizzes, but found that the LockDown Browser settings are lost every time a course is copied. Do you know of any proctoring solution where this doesn't happen? Or is it an effect of New Quizzes on all proctoring solu...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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