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Al ingresar a la app canvas student de siglo 21, luego de logearme en el celular o la tablet, todo parece funcionar perfectamente, pero solo dentro del contenido del Módulo 1 de cada materia, al querer ir a los otros módulos siempre queda en el modul...

  • 3 Replies

I want to be able to change the quiz question point value without having to click into each individual question and change then hit update question. Is it possible to make the quiz question point value editable on the Questions page by just clicking ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, community! I've scoured the posts for an answer, however, it seems like most people are asking how to remove the external link icon. I want to add it.Our practice is to have any link that takes you outside Canvas open in a new tab. And for WCAG c...

  • 2 Replies

Hey thereI'd like to run an API call to list courses where the course ID (raw: id) is greater than a certain value. The closest I've got is:/v1/accounts/81/courses?search_by=course&search_term=1521, or/v1/courses/sis_course_id:CLRS90013_2019_AUGHowev...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello all. Our dev instance of canvas has become well poluted over time and we need to clean it up. I'd like to be able to go into people and export a list of students and instructors so they can be reviewed for removal. Does anybody know how I might...

  • 4 Replies

Hi There,Is there a way that a readable Word or Pdf copy of a course schedule ( which is posted in Canvas), can be created for students, so that they are able to have a "paper copy"?Thanks so much,Lynn Murphy, Bellin College; Green Bay, WI

  • 1 Replies

We have one section in our course, but one of the students is taking the course as a graduate-level course while the others are taking the course as a senior-level course for undergraduate work. The graduate student is not showing up in the grade boo...

  • 2 Replies

I know that I can download my students' grades as a csv, but can they download their own? Every semester about this time, I get flooded with emails from students wanting me to calculate their grades for them and tell them if they "can still get an A....

  • 6 Replies

When I try to open uploaded documents, PowerPoints or other files in Canvas, it won't open. The page is just blank, so I have to download every document to my computer to be able to see it. 

  • 9 Replies

Hello! I am an instructional/tech coach and am trying to help a teacher that is having trouble with her Canvas pages. She has a page within a course that has links to PDF documents. She has copied that page into another course and now some of her lin...

  • 1 Replies

Since last week our PDF assignments with 'Input Fields' for our students changed. The fonts fields are fixed to Arial Italic Blue, so as a teacher you can easily see what are answers, and what is theory.Also the input fields are suddenly in front of ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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In Teams assignments, the teacher can go in on behalf of the student and submit work. Is it possible to do this in CANVAS? It is too often that students forget to hit submit or email the work to the teacher, and my school would like the ability to go...

  • 2 Replies

I still don't understand this about exporting the Canvas Gradebook: assignments that are graded but hidden from students are not included in the Final Points (read only) column. That is despite what I read here which implies, at least to me, that the...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

When I submit assignments using my iPhone it indicates that it is submitting but it is never received/ delivered? Some get submitted but other show that it is in the process of submitting but never receive a confirmation

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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In my course I've implemented a late day policy that Canvas does not support (adding 5 freebie late days that students can use up to 2 of per assignment before a 25% late day policy kicks in). I'm calculating this late day policy outside of Canvas. I...

  • 3 Replies

Does anyone know how to create an announcement for only new users in Canvas? We want to create an informational announcement for any user that logs into Canvas for the first time.  

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Dear Sir/ Ma'am, I am a student of NSU (North South University) and I'm recently having problems accessing the slides of all of my courses. It works fine on my phone but it's inaccessible from my mac. If you would kindly look into it. Thank you. 

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

If you're a Canvas Admin at a Higher Ed institution, and you have numerous integrations using LTI's and API's (to both internal and external systems), I'm curious to hear what department you fall under; Academics or IT?I'm not talking about those who...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

It is stated that "once students submit to a group assignment, group settings cannot be changed."  Does this also affect adding or deleting students from the group?  What if a new student enrolls in the course, needs to be added to the group, and nee...

  • 2 Replies

Good day is all the quizzes compulsory

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I would like to make some specific files available by section.  I cannot see how to do this - they are not assignments, they are more like readings.   One idea I had was to put in a discussion or announcement for that section only but it feels a ...

  • 4 Replies

Where do I go to change the email address for the canvas notifications? 

  • 1 Replies

I have two questions:1. as a free account in instructure canvas site, can I have capabically to create icon in the Rich Editor content tool? if not, does I need to purchase it?2.As an instructional design at my university, I am not admin, how can I h...

  • 1 Replies

I'm a helper for a class and my teacher just got canvas and a new mail to login with. The mail works perfect in other tabs but when she logs into canvas teacher it automaticaly logs out, not being able to even log in once so she can put me as a helpe...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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When I send zipped files to students via Canvas Messenger, they say they cannot open them as Canvas says they are "unpublished". What is this about? I obviously want students to have them (there is not enough room to post them on Canvas), so why can'...

  • 3 Replies

 How do I embed a Module in a custom page I have created? I do not wish to embed the whole Modules page, I only wish to embed One specific Module. Any feedback greatly appreciated. 

  • 4 Replies

 How do I add a custom link to the Navigation Area?A link that would point to a Module or a page I have created.Thanks!  

  • 8 Replies

We have a program where students are enrolled in multiple classes at a time. They are frequently confused about their overall progress as when they click on "View Grades" from their dashboard it shows totals only based on assignments that are submitt...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to download the student_analysis report for a quiz and I use this api:base_url}}/api/v1/courses/XXX/quizzes/XXX/reports?quiz_report[report_type]=student_analysis&include=[file], But instead I only receive a download url for item_analysis ...

  • 1 Replies

I set up a survey question because students have to come to campus one day for testing, and they can choose which day/time.  I checked them numerous times before posting, but never checked the student view.  Students are seeing days/times from last y...

  • 4 Replies