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My Com 101 class is asking me to purchase a book and I don't know where to buy it.Please help by giving me a link

  • 3 Replies

The previous years I purchased the SOLUTIONS GUIDES for my students math classes.  Where do I find them?  Thank you, Jessica Myhrberg 

  • 1 Replies

I'm an instructor setting up assignments in Canvas. Can Canvas get better at interpreting what I type in for due dates and times?  If I type "9/20" instead of September 20 it assumes I mean 9:20am today.  If I type "9/20/23 8am" it again assumes I me...

  • 3 Replies

is there somewhere where there is ONE page to change ALL dates for assignments? Canvas NEVER ports my dates correctly. I have almost 100 assignments, and EVERY SEMESTER I spend most of the first week changing three dates (due, open, close) for EVERY...

  • 1 Replies

when I record the assignment, the audio works fine, but there is no video there on the screen, how could i solve this problem, thank you!

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Canvas Question Forum
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Reaching out to the community to get ideas for how your organization might be approaching a new idea we are thinking about.At Capella we are trying to develop a way to randomize assignment instructions (much like quiz questions can be randomized) as ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Working on a course and I am not able to add some rubrics to some assignments AND be able to edit the rubric to check "use for grading." I am able to add the account level rubric to other assignments and get this, but some assignments it does NOT wor...

  • 1 Replies

If I have an assignment that has a dropbox with an online submission, is there anyway to lock the dropbox and have the assignment stay open to be seen by students still??

  • 2 Replies

I have 2 courses in Canvas and this is true for each of those courses: 1 student has the Roll Call Attendance embedded in their gradebook.  This student shows they have, for example, 54 points out of 54 points in their gradebook. No other student in ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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In regard to module 4, specifically question number 3 which asks us to "Provide one example of 'The Personal is Political',"I'm seeking clarification on the source of this topic. Is the question referencing content from our designated textbook, or is...

  • 2 Replies

The "test student" has disappeared from my gradebook. How do I bring that feature back?

  • 2 Replies

I have created groups for a course that has three cross-listed sections. I need to assign students to these groups, but make sure students in a group are in the same section. Is there a way for me to see which student is in which section? Or is there...

  • 3 Replies

I'm setting up some writing exercises as "Discussions".  The first few I made partially anonymous, but at some point copying/pasting, I forgot to check that box, and now it won't let me change from 'Off' to 'Partial'.  Is this possible?  

  • 3 Replies

How to you attach multiple files when posting a reply on a discussion?

  • 2 Replies

Hi! We are new to UCPS in NC and my girls took the DLI assessment over the summer. They asked me to create a Canvas account then, so I could access something the people administering the test needed. However, I believe they set my account up as a stu...

  • 1 Replies

I use a macbook and I am unable to switch on y webcam in canvas to record my video. I checked the settings in my macbook and it has given permission to camera for chrome.

  • 1 Replies

When you see something like this on a students test view log..... does this mean that a student went off the "test page" for any reason or is this a computer glitch ? I am new to Canvas but I am not blind00:58Stopped viewing the Canvas quiz-taking pa...

  • 4 Replies

Speedgrader recognizes python script file (.py) submissions as plain text, and shows the code content in the browser.However, this feature is not available for r script files (.R). I hope the speedgrader can show script code files for other languages...

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know if I can use multiple filters in the same category?For example, under Sections:- Pd.  5 - 10th grade- Pd. 6 - 9th grade,- Pd. 8 - 10th grade, - Pd. 10 - 9th gradeI want to be able to view just the 10th gradersThank you 

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way for students to book a session with the teacher through the canvas calendar?

  • 1 Replies

When I try to upload files, I'm getting an error code 400. Help!

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a way for a student to edit or unsubmit an assignment after they have turned it in, without redoing the whole thing? It appears that if I reassign it because it was incomplete, it makes them redo the whole assignment. Or at the very least th...

  • 2 Replies

I'm grading in a third-party online grading system, so I download my scores from that system and copy the scores into a CSV file that I import into the Canvas grade book. Sometimes, I'll mark a student's grade as "excused" for that assignment before ...

  • 5 Replies

Hello I have created a Quiz which is always open to all students. The Quiz can be taken at anytime and is considered to be completed successfully with a score of 80% (12/15) points. Is there a way to get notified for each quiz completion or to genera...

  • 1 Replies

Hi! I have a problem with the roll call for two students. What these two have in common is that they both have a user account that has been merged. It may appear that it is only the attendance for one of the merged accounts that are displayed, and th...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I recently dropped two classes and added one to my schedule when will this correction be updated on my canvas? 

  • 1 Replies

I am having trouble changing the point value on a quiz that was already created by my district. Does anyone know if I am able to do it?  I have tried changing it by edit the question and clicking on the points. Once I change the point value it doesn'...

  • 2 Replies

I used to be able to Control+Click multiple students receiving the same Inbox message. That feature seems to have disappeared in my university's new version of Canvas. Even after I Control+Click the first student, I need to select each subsequent stu...

  • 1 Replies

My first goal is to ask this question clearly. If I haven't, any help on that front would be appreciated.I'm an instructor/designer. I teach a computer literacy course that for enrollment purposes combines two similar computer literacy courses. They ...

  • 3 Replies

Please see the screenshot attached. I've created a graded survey, with the intention of students being marked as complete for submitting it, not based on their answer choices.I do have some multiple choice questions where I'd like to mark the correct...

  • 2 Replies