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Looking for a way to have our instructors receive notification when a student has passed X quiz.

  • 8 Replies

We are using SCORM packages as graded assignments for compliance courses.  As it happens the content has been changed and needs to be updated.  We have not found a way to replace or overwrite the current SCORM package with the new content and maintai...

  • 20 Replies

Canvas 101 question follows.  Apart from student participation in a course, what impact do course start and end dates have?  I ask because we have a business rule that all courses imported into Canvas from our CRM must have the start and end date fie...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

How do you do, fellow admins?Has anyone found a report to see which courses are set to self-enrollment in an account?I can get a course via API that reflects its "open enrollment" and "self-enrollment" status but not for an account. Canvas data doesn...

  • 5 Replies

Our school has found multiple applications for the calendar feeds (ics link) available on the Calendar page.  We've noticed that sometimes changes made to events in Canvas aren't reflected in the feed.  I spoke with Canvas Tech Support and my underst...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

A while ago, I asked about the technical impact of increasing the instructor file quota for a course (Impact of changing storage quota for a course ).  Now, I'm curious about how Admins manage requests to increase the quota.Do you just take these req...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

We would like to know how to set the Canvas session timeout period to 480 minutes.

  • 2 Replies

When designing my page I used the Design launch tools to create buttons.  Has it moved or been embedded somewhere else?

  • 3 Replies

We have an essay question in a module.  We copied the module to other modules and now when you edit 1 essay question, the changes occur on all the modules with an essay question.  Also, when the student completes the 1st essay, then complete the 2nd,...

  • 3 Replies

A campus has a course that several teachers can access to provide accommodated tests for students.  Someone is deleting quizzes.  How can I find out who keeps deleting?

  • 4 Replies

I need a copy of my exams that I can set the time limit on to give one student more time on the exam.  I have tried renaming an exam and importing it but it just replaces the original exam rather than posting a new copy.

  • 5 Replies

We are using Kaltura to do our media content, and one of the options is Video Quiz (external tool), where you can take a video and insert/overlay questions during the playback, and the results are automatically put into Grades.  However, I have disco...

  • 16 Replies

When I have a calendar event created by an instructor that doesn't require an online submission how can I mark the event as completed?

  • 3 Replies

Canvas Calendar: is there a way to delete multiple events and/or activities at once vs. one-by-one?I have events and activities showing up on the Syllabus from 2014 in the current course of 2017.It is very time consuming and frustrating to have to de...

  • 11 Replies

Can you remove or hide courses that are inactive from the dashboard?

  • 3 Replies

Does anyone know if you can change the color of an accordion? I have this code (see below) and it looks great, but if I wanted to change the color of the boxes that house the accordion, how would I do that?<div class="enhanceable_content accordion"> ...

  • 3 Replies

How long does it take for grades to post onto Skyward after I have done grade pass back from eCampus. When I clicked post grades for a quiz on eCampus, I did get the success message, but the grades have not shown up on Skyward yet.

  • 4 Replies

We do engagement analytics for Canvas and as such, I would love to hear more of what's important from your point of view, to understand your content more? I thought I would ask in here as you create courses, but would obviously be interested in the e...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

We have a student who was accidentally assigned a new ID in our SIS so when our Canvas SIS import ran that evening it assigned the student the new incorrect ID but all their enrollments are still referencing the former correct ID. We got the ID corre...

  • 6 Replies

Why can't I see any of the upcoming training events?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Anyone who is familiar with using iframe have a suggestion on the width and height settings?I had someone tell me 100% but when I tried that in Canvas I had some display issues.I've also heard 600w and 900h works best.Any suggestions so that it's mob...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

A teacher has asked me how to create an assignment that has a table/checklist that each students should complete.  The students should fill-in the Observed column or the Performed column with a checkmark or an 'X' or an N/A when they have completed t...

  • 11 Replies

Hi! So, I'm returning from Christmas break to do my outcomes assessments. To do the assessments, I need to see the Analytics for my Final Exam for last semester's students. When I open the Exam and load the course I need to analyze, I see the student...

  • 4 Replies

I've got a bunch of announcements in a course I imported that were delayed in their original course.   Now that I've imported them into the new course, the Delay date is unset.   I go Edit the Announcement, check the box to Delay Posting, and enter a...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 7 Replies

We are a PowerSchool/Canvas district, and this is our first semester change since implementing Canvas.  Do teachers receive (see) their new semester courses based on the grading period dates I entered for our account?  For lack of better words, when ...

  • 3 Replies

Is there a way for me to automatically assign points for a "completed" or submitted assignment?  In other words, can I set an assignment to automatically award points to a student who submits a response?   I’m trying this in my Physics classes.  They...

  • 5 Replies

I have a graded quiz in my course which is pulling question from a question bank at the sub-account level. The quiz contains 20 questions, 5 points each for a total possible score of 100. I also have a Learning Outcome attached to the question bank. ...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

This is our district's first year with Canvas. Some have asked what happens if they move to another district that also uses Canvas. If we work so hard creating courses, notes, tests, etc., is there a way to keep it as ours if we move out of the distr...

  • 2 Replies

I was curious if any other admins have looked into this and found a solution to detect when a user has script blockers enabled.Looking at the page code, it seems all the JS code is hosted by, as well as However, Canvas a...

  • 2 Replies

Has your institution disabled the calendar tool and if so, what concerns and discussions led up to making this decision?

  • 4 Replies