
Community Member
Dec 30, 2015 8:53:34 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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No, I'm still waiting on an answer.  It may be I'm the only person in all of Canvas to want to give multiple attempts on a video quiz...
Likes: 5
Is there a faster way to move multiple questions between banks?  I am importing custom banks from offline for merger into my existing banks, and once I import them, I go to Move Multiple Questions (fr...
Likes: 4
No solution has yet been uncovered.  I ended up having to take the original video and embed it in the instructions to a regular quiz, which I flagged to allow unlimited attempts.  This is not as elega...
Likes: 2
We are using Kaltura to do our media content, and one of the options is Video Quiz (external tool), where you can take a video and insert/overlay questions during the playback, and the results are aut...
Likes: 2
Yes, please.   This would make exam editing a lot faster, particularly for an instructor who truly wants to combine, say, multiple chapters into a single pool.
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Some of us have been begging for years for this to happen.  The only alternative I can see is for Canvas to allow for randomized plug-ins for non-Quiz assignments so you can have randomized writing pr...
Sep 22, 2021 05:43 AM
I have a shell with three sections of students in it, well over fifty total students.  I have done two sections cross-listed before without issue, but now I have noticed when attempting to run SpeedGr...
Sep 03, 2020 12:38 PM
Oh that would delightful!  I wonder if we could prevail upon the IU folks to make that code available for distribution?
May 20, 2020 16:59 PM
Howdy!I am currently mentoring a group of faculty during their "unscheduled introduction to the Canvas Community." One of the big challenges we've faced is doing their "traditional"...
Apr 02, 2020 13:43 PM
The lack of attention may be a signal that not may people are actually using Kaltura for Video Quizzes.  
Dec 19, 2017 20:18 PM

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