Why is unlocking a quiz for one student so ridiculously complicated

Community Explorer

Scenario: one student misses a quiz. The availability window has passed.  You want to open the quiz for that one student, and give them exactly one more day in which to open and take their quiz.  This comes up ALL THE TIME.

Please look at how Populi does this: you are able to go to the quiz, click "add an exception" to the "availability", and give a specific amount of time extension to one student.  Done.

From what I've been able to find (and I've spent almost over an hour trying to figure this out), on Canvas, you have to:

1. Go to "moderate the quiz", act like you want to give the student an extra attempt (no I don't, they get one attempt once they open the quiz, so already this is counter-intuitive, and now by their name it says they get two attempts (?) when they haven't even taken the quiz yet), and click "manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt", but checking that box doesn't accomplish manually unlocking the quiz, and there is no clarification on how to do that.

2. Create a new quiz?????  

3. Then assign the quiz to just that one student????

4. Or don't create a new quiz, and assign the existing quiz to just that one student?  But that doesn't make sense either.

Is this for real?  

This is crazy!  Was this purposefully created to be as difficult as possible?

Or am I missing something?  Please tell me I'm missing something.

And to figure this out you have to read through like five pages of tutorials, none of which tell you the whole answer, and each of which give you several scenarios that are of no relevance to this question, so you are wading through words and not even knowing if you are getting the correct information.