Why don't student group announcements send notifications

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As a student when put in groups, Canvas does not seem to send notifications to group members of posts or announcements made by students even if subscribed. 

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JZemery,

All of the information I can find, including the  Canvas Notifications - Instructure Community - 387041 guide, indicate that notifications should get sent out for groups.  I am a Canvas administrator at my institution, and I have not received any complaints about groups not getting announcement notifications, but I don't know how often that scenario happens here.  I'd recommend that you reach out to Canvas support so they can investigate and figure out if notifications are being generated and just not received on your end, or if there is some kind of bug around the notifications in general.  Support will be better than the community for this particular issue, as the community here is mostly just other users from around the world who have no access to your Canvas account or anything.

Hope this info helps!


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