Why can't I log in to canvas on my kindle?

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Community Novice

I can log on my phone and laptop, however, even changing my password produces the same result. Canvas does not log in. I cleared cache and cookies on Amazon Silk. What else can I do?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello  @BlytheCisneros 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with logging  in. It sound like an issue with your device specifically if you are still resetting them, can log in on other devices but not Amazon Silk. You've cleared the cache and cookies from the browser on the device or from the actual device itself? On a iPad it would be something like this:


If that still isn't working, you should delete the canvas app entirely and re-download it. If after all this you  still can't login, then you would need to speak with your school IT help desk or possibly canvas support directly. 

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