When will Canvas have Subject Lines for Discussions?

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The new "whole post" only view for Discussions is unwieldy. Especially for large classes. All other LMSs have the option to collapse the Discussion to view just the Subject Lines or just the First Line of the posts so students and the instructor can see the whole Discussion in one view. This is super handy for the students to pick out who to reply to. And super handy for seeing reply themes within a Discussion.

Having to scroll through all 35-40 Primary posts to find the one or two you might comment on is not a good design change. Even the previous version where just the First Line of the Primary post was viewable when in "Collapse All" mode allowed us to do a Subject Line workaround using that First Line of the Primary post as the Subject Line. This new setup for Discussions doesn't. It's really cumbersome.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @WendyJedlicka 

I agree that the new discussion redesign has some readability issues. I recommend submitting an idea, and when it is available, we can vote to ensure that it gets pushed through.


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