What is your student self-grading workflow?

Community Member

I have searched this community about self-grading functionality for Canvas, and the most relevant threads I've found seem to indicate it's a feature which has been requested but unimplemented since 2016:

So I'm curious if anyone here will share their own approach?

My current, moderately successful workflow: I hand out assignments (via Google Cloud assignments) and students submit them as usual.  Then I let them self-assess their work using an exemplar, then they submit their own self-assessed grade via a Google form, which I manually input into Canvas.

I later meta-grade a subset of the submitted grades, prioritizing work submitted by students whose knowledge assessment scores seem inconsistent with their self-assessed assignment scores.

This system worked well last year, but it can certainly be improved.  I'd like to eliminate the need to re-enter the grades which students submit, and eliminate the need for a separate Google Forms workflow, if possible.  I also wasn't able to find a way to bulk download the submitted Google Clouds assignments from Canvas, which prevented me from automating a process to check the submitted documents for plagiarism or duplication of others' work. 

I'm looking for alternative ways to implement this workflow, perhaps using other integrations or Canvas features, or maybe developing my own.  Anything which will hopefully reduce the tedious clicking and let me spend as much of my time as possible actually helping the students with their work.  If you've got any suggestions which worked well for you, please share!

PS - I've seen one or two suggestions to use Canvas Quizzes to allow auto-graded assignments, but I think that might be too limiting for me to use for general assignments.  I'm also motivated to keep things as portable as possible, in case my school system decides to move away from Canvas at some point in the future.  So using uploaded documents or Google Cloud are plusses!

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