What happened to the Course Roster tab that gave details on each student along with their official ID photos?

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I'm a contract lecturer and found the Course Roster (I think that's what it was called) useful for identifying students and some info about which Masters course they were doing.  The only tab now is the "People" one, which is far less useful


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JohnMackay,

It sounds to me like your school/institution had a 3rd party or custom developed tool integrated into Canvas that provided that functionality.  I've been a Canvas admin for over 10 years, and I can say with confidence that the People tool is the only roster-type tool that Canvas has ever had built in.  You might want to reach out to your school/institution Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) to find out if they had such a tool and whether they removed it on purpose or if there's perhaos an update coming.  Those of us here in the community here are other Canvas users form around the world and don't have access to your Canvas instance or your school's list of tools or anything to give specific information on something like this.

I hope the info helps a bit though!  Please feel free to come back and reply if you learn anything more about this.


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