Warning Email When Students Don't Access A Course

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I've been told that there is a way to generate a warning to students who fail to access a course for a given period of time (10 days in the specific instance). Basically, if a student doesn't have activity in a course in that time frame, they receive an email telling them that they haven't participated, etc. Any ideas on how to set this up? 

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1 Solution
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There is no built-in function within Canvas to notify students when they're not accessing Canvas. However, there are multiple ways to achieve this.


There is a built-in admin report with a list of students and their last access to Canvas, you can pull this report by going to Admin page -> Settings -> Reports -> Last User Access. Then use this list to send out emails manually.

Last Access Report.png

Automatically 🚀

If you have access to Canvas Data 2 you can create a more sophisticated report. You might need to contact your CSM to enable Canvas Data 2 for your institution.

Combining data from Canvas Data 2 with a workflow automation tool, you can automate this whole process. You can check out how to set it up the tool here: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Developers-Group/Automate-Canvas-with-n8n/ba-p/585337

I'll attach a workflow to automate this process here in the next few days.

Please feel free to PM me if you need help setting this up.


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