Videos Will Not Play

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Community Novice

Hi we have had a course running since 2017 and all of a sudden the videos will not run. The person who designed the course is no longer at our institution. I know very little about Canvas. I am signed in as teacher and I have confirmed that the videos do not run in either teacher or student view. Same problem with Chrome and Edge (both updated).

I am not sure what has happened in the past few months to cause this problem. When I look at our "Files" there are no videos and I cannot find a section for "Video Files" as was suggested by a note I found somewhere on the web. Any help will be appreciated.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Looking at your page views in Canvas during the time you submitted this question I was able to find videos in a course that were linked to an external site that played for me with no issues. You may need to clear your cache using this guide to see if that helps. If you are still experiencing this issue you may want to submit a ticket to Canvas support to troubleshoot this further. 


How do I contact Canvas Support? 

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