User's Account Notifications are not staying updated

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We have a user who has two email accounts in Canvas Notifications.  They keep trying to set one email to receive all notifications, but the system keeps defaulting back to the other email account.  We are using ILP if that could be a factor.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

You mention "ILP" - if that's a student information system that you use to provision user accounts in Canvas, it's likely that process is overwriting that change that your user is making. We had a similar problem at my college, where faculty who take classes (hey, we want to learn too!) were having their employee email addresses changed to their student email addresses. Our IT team was able to change those settings so that no longer happens.

I’m going to mark my response as a solution, but there can be more than one. I hope our colleagues here in the Community share other options.

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