Turn-it-In Not Showing in Canvas

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Community Novice

I'm not able to access turn-it-in Dashboard/Canvas, it is not an option I can choose to submit work to. There is also no "Assignments" option available to click under the menu, we've had to submit assignments through the "Modules" they are assigned under.

I can't access turn-it-in on any computer/browser I've used. Have been in contact with support - they feel it is a Canvas issue but haven't helped thus far. 

I looked through previous questions/answers as best I could and wasn't able to find answer that helped with this.

Can I not access turn-it-in because we don't have an "Assignments" option? And/Or is this the result of not being given the correct access?

Thank you for your help.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @Suzanne80013 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with Turn it in. Firstly, your  "assignments" tab not appearing on the left navigation and  you having to submit assignments via modules is a design choice by your teacher. It does not affect turn it in in anyway. As @ericwhitmer mentioned, you'll probably want to reach out to your teacher and ask. If the Turn it in app has been integrated correctly, you should see a score generated after submitting. However, this feature can also be changed by the teacher to not display at all or only after you've gotten a  grade. The default settings is to display the score after you've submitted but all of this can be customized. Feel free to copy/paste any and all of this to the teacher and ask them for clarification. 

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