Tracking Data

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Community Novice

Is there a way (or will there be a way) to track data, such as performance on TEKS over time and different assessments? Currently we are using another program to give assessments and track this data. We would love to keep it all within Canvas.

2 Solutions
Community Champion

There's not historic, cross-course tracking in Canvas on it's own, no. Honestly, with Instructure's move to the "Learning Platform" system, there probably won't ever be because they can sell one at an added cost.

If you have someone at your institution who knows how to write scripts - or full blown programs - you can collect assignment results using the Canvas API pretty easily. You can also look at using Outcomes to track student performance if you take the time to set up item/question banks.

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi @Xgate05 -

While not inside Canvas, there is an option within Instructure. I wonder if Elevate would help you accomplish what you need to with data tracking! If it looks like it could be a potential solution for you, your CSM may be able to help you explore the option. What is Elevate K-12 Analytics? 

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