Table scrol

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I am generating some pages in canvas that have a lot of material.  I would like to contain / constrain that material so that the pages are not infinitely long.  I tried creating a table and setting the height, but the large pages of data seem to override that setting and the page becomes very long.  Is there a way to force a table size and incorporate a verticle scroll bar to move through the text without scrolling the entire canvas screen?

As always, your help is greatly appreciated



1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

@StephenBryant01 ...

Though I do understand why people like to use tables for page layout, tables are meant to hold data, and they are not always accessible.  So, if you can steer away from using tables from your page design, that would be best.  There is some code that you can add to your pages to create tabs, but Instructure has said for several years now that they were going to retire the technology that makes tabs work, so there's no guarantee that this code would work months or years from now.

And...tabs don't necessarily work well on mobile devices.

Do you know if your school has purchased DesignPLUS from Cidi Labs?  This software integrates nicely with Canvas and allows you to do some pretty neat things with page design...including tab, accordion menus, and many other page layout options.  (In fact, they just recently showed off some new design page layouts they'll be releasing in the next couple months...fingers crossed).  You might want to talk with your school's Canvas admin team to see if they've investigated this product at all.

Hope this will be of some help to you!

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