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Hi!At the school I work we don't do terms or set end dates. Each student start as soon as they enroll and then they follow their individual plan. That means a student can start in october the same course as another student did just two weeks before a...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a reliable plugin to change the module and its contents to tilesThe visual style called Tiles in Moodle, customisable dashboard tiles for Modules and the option for sub-tiles.

  • 1 Replies

Does anybody know how to create an Academic Case to start the graduation application?  The directions that came in my email are not very clear and do not tell me where to find it. TIA

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to combine my two accounts? I have and . Thank you!

  • 11 Replies

In our Catalog instance we have a course in which sections are used to separate enrollments into date ranges.  This is the preferred over duplicating the course shell so that we can maintain a single Catalog listing.How do I change the start and end ...

  • 4 Replies

Hello all,As of last week, I am encountering a problem where files will not preview anymore. Currently, I need to download all files (mainly .pdf) to actually see what the students have submitted. And yes, I've already read all other posts about the ...

  • 1 Replies

Necesito encontrar una app o plataforma que me permita calificar las preguntas del test o del cuestionario o preguntas largas por ejemplo si fallo la pregunta 5 me quitan -0.33 de puntuación y ese sistema de calificacion no se donde encontrarlo.    I...

  • 1 Replies

When I click on a class a pic is always whooshing, zooming in or out, where the title of the class is. can I turn that off somehow? It hurts my eyes and brain

  • 2 Replies

Hi Canvas Community. Right now, audio files just show a default music icon as a cover image when they are embedded in a course page (see the attached picture); and setting a "cover metadata" in the audio file doesn't make any change.So, is there any ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I graduated high school last year but I wanted to access Canvas to check my grades. However, when I try to log in, it says invalid username or password. I also tried myPascoConnect and myStudent as well and got the same response. How else can I c...

  • 1 Replies

Helllo I am trying to access my previous exams for my a&p class to study from them. they require lockdown browser which I have installed on my computer and have no trouble accessing my exams but to pull up the finished exams as study guides it will c...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to grade papers that were submitted yesterday.  I’m well within the deadline to submit grades. Canvas has unpublished my course and I can get into it and see the papers, but I can no longer use the rubric feature, which I need to calculat...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,Is there a way to set the quiz results so that 50% is the lowest a student can achieve?  My district has a 50%policy  so that the lowest a student can get on an assignment is 50%, as long as they attempt an assignment.  This is to prevent a dispro...

  • 3 Replies

Why are there red dots next to announcements that I have posted, in the student view?

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I am a took an ACUE course on Canvas on teaching online @CindyStephens ."You can not release student grades until they have at least opened the feedback. In most LMSs you can set this up as a conditional assignment". There is no other mention o...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, Canvas team, We have encountered a problem. We know that in the "enrollment_dim" table, there is "type" column to differentiate "StudentEnrollment", "TaEnrollment", and "course_id" to see which course the students and teachers are enrolled, as we...

  • 1 Replies

Two classes I had last term were incompletes, and I need to go back to access these two courses. How do I access past term classes, and can they be available from the dashboard? 

  • 1 Replies

I need to retake the test in modular 7. My instructor, Tom Dominguez, unlocked the quiz for me tp retake the test, but I do not know where or how to navigate the web page to retake the test. Can you help me? Bobbie GonzalesMaster Gardener Programgogo...

  • 1 Replies

Hi thereWanted to know if there was a way we can change the preset fonts and colours within the Headings 1-4 within our course pages so they can align more with our organisation (rather than having to change them each time we are creating content)? t...

  • 3 Replies

Hi, Canvas team, We have encountered a problem. We want to know the role of a specific "user_id". We are able to find the "user_id"  in the "user_dim" table and role "name" in the "role_dim" table? But we haven't found any key to join the two tables ...

  • 1 Replies

I have several activities that are not quizzes, but it doesn't appear that Canvas allows instructors to rename "quiz" as a different activity. It's very confusing to students when everything (whether it's a test, exam, or any other activity) always s...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

I am an Canvas admin. We have an LTI 1.1 tool in place on our Canvas, and we wish to change the name that appears in the left-hand nav . The external tool was configured via URL  I would like to ask if we have the vendor change the Common Cartridge X...

  • 1 Replies

My organization is asking me to provide justification for migrating our campus from Blackboard to Canvas and I'd like your assistance.Aside from "look and feel" differences and "it's so user friendly and much easier to use" aspects, can any of you he...

  • 5 Replies

Hello - My university is in the process of migrating to Canvas and we're developing templates for each program, but we're not sure about the best way to implement them. The easiest, of course, would be to set a course shell as a template within each ...

  • 3 Replies

Hello,Is it possible to edit the "grading notes" of a quiz AFTER students have taken it? The only editing option I see is "edit a copy" of the quiz. Context: I have an error in my grading notes that I use as an answer key and I want to change it so t...

  • 1 Replies

How do I assign a user to be the Sub-account Administrator? I set up an Account Role called "Sub-Account Admin" with hopes to assign this to a user in the Sub-Account "Field Training" but for the life of me I can't find the steps to do this.

  • 1 Replies

Hi thereI'm curious if it's possible to set up prerequisites and requirements based on non-sequential completion. For example, I would like to have the first two chapters of a course completely accessible to start a course for a student but have the ...

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to implement Mastery Paths. I am able to find a lot of information about using them, but none about how to actually start. How can I "download" Mastery Paths, or assign my quizzes "to" Mastery Paths?Long story short, I don't see anything ...

  • 2 Replies