Sync calendar with assessment dates for entire year cohort across multiple subject areas

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Looking for a way that my colleagues and I can input assessment dates onto a calendar for our student body.

We are teaching online via Canvas and need to maintain a “working” calendar throughout the year for our entire cohort of students in each year. 

We are wanting to allow for teachers to timetable an assessment/ in-class exam on the student calendar and other teachers and students to be able to see this date/ booking and add to it. 

Is this a function we already have access to? 

A bit like Google Calendar where we have multiple users adding to one calendar that we can all see. 


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JaymeeDepiazzi,

Canvas has account calendars that can be used by Canvas user accounts with the appropriate admin permissions.  This was announced in the release notes from Canvas Release Notes (2022-11-19).

Does that seem like something you could use?

Another option would be to:

  1. create a course in Canvas and enroll everyone into it (faculty, students, staff) that needs access to it as a type of "student" enrollment and give the appropriate people access to it as a type of "teacher" enrollment
    1. publish the course when ready, making sure to tell your users what its purpose will be
    2. my institution has a course like this that we use for events sponsored by your "Student Life" office (and a few other random announcements but we do not use the calendar
    3. we also use it for other general non-Canvas (or non-academic) purposes
  2. either
    • add the calendar entries in that course
    • create a page in the course and embed an already existing Google Calendar into the page

How does that sound?


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