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Syllabus Appears in Welcome Module But Not When Clicking Syllabus

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Syllabus is enabled but there is nothing there when you click. It shows up only in the Welcome module. How do I move it to the Syllabus tab? I'm the instructor.

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

It looks like you have created a regular Page with your syllabus content for your Module, which is just fine. Now you need to edit your Syllabus. 

  1. Click on Syllabus. Look for the rectangle that says "edit" in the upper right corner of your screen. It has a pencil icon. Click on it.
  2. Now you can copy and paste your content into the RCE. When you are done, scroll down and click on "Update Syllabus."

Please come back and let me know if these steps have worked for you. I'm a fellow instructor volunteering my time to help new users. 😀





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