Submitting a PowerPoint with audio

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For a class, I had to create a PowerPoint with audio.  When I try to submit my PowerPoint to Canvas, I lose the audio.  How do I save the PowerPoint and upload it with audio?

1 Solution

Hello @LaurieCanavan 

Thanks for posting in the Community!

Much like submitting Powerpoint files in Canvas, Powerpoint file types will not be able to have attached media inside of them when uploading to Projects within Canvas Student ePortfolios.

For these attached audio or media files, we would suggest uploading them as shared links, as these media files are only going to be able to be uploaded to Projects if they are attached to an Assignment in Canvas. 

Here is a guide for attaching those media files as shared links:

Here is a reference to the supported file types in Projects:
Note: Some file types can only be added to a project if they are an assignment.

Hope this helps!

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