Student To-Do List not being properly populated

Community Explorer

I have a 'quiz every day' for my students to optionally take for review and keeping content fresh (College Chem courses).  I have used this system for 6 years flawlessly, including last semester (each day quiz is title, e.g. Wk2Tues, etc).  These quizzes always populate the 'To Do' list for students, and as there is 1 every day, this is very useful.  Starting this semester, for 2 of my 3 courses, this no longer works?!?  This indicates to me a problem on Canvas end.  When I 'View as Student'...the quiz is properly shown in the To Do so I assumed everything was good.  When students view it, no quizzes appear.  I made no changes to any of the 3 courses, yet 2 now don't work?  Any ideas?

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