Good morning, @SenitaF ...
To my knowledge, I cannot think of anything within the current user interface (UI) of Canvas that would allow you to see if a module has been used in another course.
There *might* be a way to see this if the specific module was shared to Canvas Commons. Do you have access to Commons? If an instructor shared the module to Commons, and then if one or more people imported that module from Commons to their own course(s), I could potentially see where this might be possible. Let's say that you updated some content in that module within your course. Then, let's say you pushed that module back out to that the most recent version of it was available. Anyone who has already imported your module into their own course would get an update in Commons letting them know a new version is available, and they would then have the option to import it into their own course...or just keep their course "as is" without applying your update. Check out this Guide for more info:
How do I view updates to resources I previously im... - Instructure Community (
Finally, Canvas admins have access to this Stats page in Commons, but I'm not sure the information provided is exactly what you are looking for:
How do I view resource statistics in Commons? - Instructure Community (
Anyway...I am not sure if these links will be helpful at all, but I thought I'd provide them to you just in case. Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!