Rubric and Quiz points

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A quiz I created in canvas is of 130 points and the points in rubric come to be 390 (with the outcomes).  Canvas is providing grades in speedgrader as the calculation is according to 390 points in rubric, i.e. 270/130 points.

I have deleted the rubric and then recreated it as well. Still the problem persists.

When I delete the rubric all together, the problem persists even then.

How do I correct this?

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PercyAvari 

Is this New Quizzes or Classic Quizzes?

If New Quizzes, check that the points on the Quiz Details screen matches the points if you add up the points of each of your questions.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @PercyAvari,

When you're adding outcomes into a rubric, you can uncheck the "use this criterion for scoring" option so that the outcome just tracks mastery but doesn't affect the total points the quiz is worth.

I do think we'd need more info to give a better answer though.  As @Hildi_Pardo asked, is this a New Quiz, Classic Quiz, Assignment, etc...  The more detail you can give the better.


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