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Responsive Page Design

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I've gone to a lot of effort to design visually appealing homepages for my students that help link them out to different areas in the modules. 

Unfortunately when they view them on their chromebooks the resolution or screen size must be different because items such as buttons don't fit right and things overflow.

I'm frustrated because once again, it seems I need to know html to code a page that is visually appealing AND responsive in size for a variety of devices.

Has anyone run into this and what did you do to help the issue?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @sbridge  Welcome to the Canvas Community!

Everybody runs into this, and since so much variety exists in the types of devices that students (and all other users) use to access Canvas, we must consider responsiveness and scaling when designing our online course; or at least, we must do so if we wish to enhance content beyond simply textual content.

As for HTML, I built a course that is also available through this Community to help non-coders learn some simple HTML hacks without having to learn coding. Check out CanvasHacks Classroom .

Also, you might be interested in the following goodies...

Now go forth and have fun!


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