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Can we add a "floating" navigation panel somehow? I keep getting painted into corners and it takes multiple clicks (and waiting for loading) to get to where I meant to go. This seems insignificant but when you're grading 100 assignments, every click adds up to less time with family. 

For example - When I'm in speed grader, I have to go to gradebook in order to get to assignments/quizzes/home, etc. Can we float that navigation panel so I can go anywhere I want from SpeedGrader?

Also, when I make lesson plans using pages, I insert course links so students and I can go directly to assignments. When I click on those links, I can't tell if they're going to take me to new quizzes or classic quizzes. It's very frustrating when it takes me to New Quizzes because I cannot edit due dates, syncing to our SIS, etc. It would be much easier if there was a floating navigation panel that let me go to that screen from anywhere. 

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