Quizzes - Single Question Submission

Community Member

I am new to Canvas and come here from Moodle. Unlike Moodle or MyOpenMath (and most other quiz systems, I think) Canvas does not allow questions in quizzes to be submitted individually or one at a time. It seems essential for assignments or any learning exercises (practice quizzes) that students are able to submit answers, find out if their answer is correct, and are allowed to try again and again until they get the correct answer. Well constructed questions will have feedback after each submission of that one question. I would encourage Canvas to consider adding this option to the Quizzes function. My physics assignments would have to be broken into 15 - 30 mini quizzes to accomplish this in the current Canvas arrangement. My current assignments can take students several hours to complete.

I am curious how other mathematics and science instructors using Canvas handle this matter in your assignments. Actively looking for suggestions and advice. Perhaps a work around would be to give students unlimited submission and let them submit the entire quiz after each question. This seems cumbersome, but it might work. I would like to get feedback from colleagues.

Robert Greeney, Holyoke Community College

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