Quiz waiting for regrade at the end of Semester

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I have a quiz that I am waiting on a regrade, and the semester is about to close. The previous grade was a 60 percent.  I resubmitted it and now it doesn't look like it counts in the grade book. If the teacher doesn't grade it (I don't think they will) will it still not count in my transcript at the end of the semester or will it default to the previous score (60 percent).

Asking since this is the difference between an A and a B for me (with the 60 percent I have a 89.96)


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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ramzizizz ,

Thank you for posting on the Instructure Community!

I think this would be something that you should reach out to your instructor, or another faculty member at your school, about. Since this is a global Canvas Community, not all of us know how grading policies work at your institution, so we won't be able to necessarily provide you with accurate information regarding this topic.

All the best,

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