Question about paid vs unpaid canvas

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I'm researching the costs associated with building course material for asynchronous courses within the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Tools for Tolerance Educator program.  I find "free" on all website information, but is there a threshold when costs become a consideration?

Thank you

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Community Coach

Hi @lucasgreen22,

The answer here might depend a bit on whether you're referencing open-source Canvas or free-for-teacher Canvas when comparing to paid and Instructure- hosted Canvas.  There is a list of things open-source Canvas does not support at the bottom of the open-source FAQ page.  There is also a comparison between paid canvas and free-for-teacher Canvas which you can reference.

I'm not sure exactly if there's a user threshold where paid Canvas becomes more attractive, rather I think it's about the features you need and want to use and how much control of Canvas you want to have.  The paid version offers more features and more flexibility than the free options, but if the free options work for you there may not be a reason to change.

I hope this info helps!


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