Proper format of a QTI for Canvas upload

Community Member

I am an administrator, and we are converting from another testing platform to Canvas.  We have been using Canvas for course work for several years now.  The platform we use DOES NOT have a way to export our questions.  We are therefore planning to copy our questions into a QTI file, which we have been told works with Canvas.  What I cannot find after MUCH research is the PROPER FORMAT for the QTI.  I know about the CSV to QTI converter tool - that is NOT what I am looking for.  I have been able to import some data, but there have always been "ISSUES". ie. "the correct answer cannot be identified" , "question type not accurate", etc.  I know there is a proper way to format the CSV/QTI for proper import, but I cannot find decipher and Support has not been helpful.  Any insight is appreciated.  

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