Percentage of Class C or Better on an assignment

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Does Canvas calculate the percentage of a class that achieves a grade of C or better for an assignment?

1 Solution
Community Champion

@lpscranton I am not 100% sure what you are asking.  A "C" is determined by whatever grading scheme you are using which may or may not even include a C (the class can be set however you want so I have faculty that do not include a C range).  

Basically Canvas is just doing the math to calculate a percentage based on the points.  For example 9 out of 10 points is a 90%.  It can then apply a letter grade based on that percent which is determined by how you setup your grading scheme.  I feel like most commonly a 90% = A- but I have seen all kinds of different letter grade setup.  

Here are some guides on grading schemes that might be helpful.

What are grading schemes? - Instructure Community

How do I enable a grading scheme for a course? - Instructure Community

How do I use grading schemes in a course? - Instructure Community

How do I add a grading scheme in a course? - Instructure Community

If this does not help answer your question, can you please provide a little more detail on what you are trying to accomplish?

Hope this helps!


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