Options to modify Global Navigation behavior using JSON for LTI 1.3

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Currently the YuJa application is loading with the system navigation showing; with most links being broken for faculty due to permissions. The behavior I am after is open the application in frame without the system menu or breadcrumbs but still showing the global menu . Documentation for the course navigation seems to say this is possible but I could not get it working with the Global Navigation. Am I using the wrong syntax? https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/file.navigation_tools.html

I added "display_type": "full_width_in_context", to the existing JSON. No effect at all.

"text": "YuJa",
"icon_url": "https://xxxx",
"placement": "global_navigation",
"display_type": "full_width_in_context",
"message_type": "LtiResourceLinkRequest",
"target_link_uri": "https://xxxxx.jsp"

YuJa suggested adding "windowTarget": "_blank", but this made the application open in the same tab at full screen. Losing the global navigation bar completely. https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/LTI-Advantage-tool-configuration-any-way-to... 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @LucasPaxtonAd,

Can you try "display_type": "full_width"  instead to see if that happens to work?


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