OneNote integration issues

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Community Novice

My school is in the first year of 1:1 iPads. I am trying to have my literature students use OneNote Class notebook through Canvas, but continue to run into problems.

They are unable to open the notebook through Canvas, it gives them an error code.

On the first day of their use, students were able to get to their notebook through the automatic email notification from SharePoint.

Since then, they are still unable to access through Canvas or their iPad OneNote app. The app only shows the collaboration space and content library, not their individual pages, even though they had their individual pages previously.

I have tried messing with countless settings on my end of Canvas, to no avail. From my end, everything seems put together. I have watched videos and reached out to Canvas support, but am turning to the masses because I haven't been able to find answers anywhere. I just noticed this afternoon that when I click the "Class Notebook" tab, it says "There is no class notebook attached to this course. This is the notebook you created and linked to your course." I don't know how that is possible because it did, at one point, populate individual content for all of my students...

Does anyone know what step or setting I am missing?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from you. We hope you are doing well and that you’ve found an answer to your question!

The Community Team acknowledges that this thread does not have a proper answer. However, we are marking this post as a temporary solution to help Community Members find and respond to the newest and most active threads.

At any time, any Community member can click the “Not the Solution” option and then respond in-thread with your follow-up questions. It’s important to include @CommunityForums in that reply so we can restore the entire topic to our list of unanswered questions we check routinely.

As a final note, in my personal opinion, this seems likely to be an issue on the Microsoft side or on the administrative side of Canvas, which your local Canvas administrator(s) would configure.  It's highly unlikely to be an issue with an individual class.  I would advise getting in contact with your local team to let them know about the issue and they should be able to work with Microsoft to hopefully identify and resolve the issue.


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