Offline Canvas Access on Student Computer During Exam

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If you are administering an exam using exam software that restricts access to the internet on a student's computer (ex: ExamSoft), is there a way for students to get offline access to their Canvas site to access reading materials, etc.? I know there's some sort of offline access through the Canvas Student App, but they won't be able to use their mobile devices either. Basically we want them to be able to get to materials on the Canvas site, but without being able to access anything else online.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @aaahlbra,

In my very limited experiencing with online proctoring services, the instructor/admin would generally tell the proctoring service what students were or were not allowed to access during an exam.  If you're using more of a passive monitoring/lockdown system, it's probably not feasible to do this.  If you chose to make a course ePub available, students might be able to reference that, but it's a very different format from Canvas itself, which may cause a lot of confusion.

I hope this info helps!


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