Non-Course Project pages

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Community Novice

In previous course/content websites there was a place for 'projects' that were not tied to a course, but to items/groups that continued from year to year. For example, a cumulative exam that was offered online, not for course credit but rather a requirement for the department. Another example was a student organization that used that modality to have consistent data and communication from year to year. Is there a place in Canvas for this?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

@JenniferRagusa ...

There is a way in Canvas to create groups that live outside of any course.  I've got a blog post about what these kinds of groups include:

Campus Clubs and Groups

If you are looking for more than what these kinds of Groups offer, then you might consider setting up a completely blank course shell and enrolling the necessary people into that course.  You'd treat the course shell as a "group" ... even though it's not really a course, as you've indicated.

Hope this helps a bit.

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