New Teacher Account

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How do I add the Teacher role to a manually created account?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @jolson_55 ...

Are you a Canvas administrator or an instructor for your school's Canvas environment?  If you are an instructor, your school may have a process already in place to enroll students/instructors in courses so that you don't have to do this yourself.  If that is the case, then you'd want to have a conversation with your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to see how the enrollment process works.  However, you *may* be able to enroll users in your course on your own (if your school allows it).  If this is the case, you can use this Guide to enroll a user in a course with roles such as "Teacher", "Student", etc.

How do I add users to a course?

I hope I've understood your question.  If not, please provide more details so that we here in the Community can continue to assist you.  Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!  Thanks!

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