Need students to have quizzes linked in gradebook.

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When students see that they have a zero in their Canvas grade book, the assignment has a link, but that link does not take them to the Canvas quiz if it is one. Students often think that means they cannot do the assignment, and will not ask and will take the zero instead due to the barrier to the work. This “fix” / change would be so beneficial for students and their overall averages..

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

I've noticed this as well, @AmySisk. It would be great if a quiz (or assignment) without a submission would skip the feedback page when students select the item name on the Grades page. Alas it does not, but your question leads to an idea to improve Canvas. You can learn more about the process to suggest Canvas improvements on the page How do Ideas and Themes work in the Instructure Community? 

Creating an idea does not provide an immediate solution to the problem you described, though it is a solution. I’m going to mark it as such and hope that our colleagues who have a similar challenge will find the best way to contribute.

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