Moving Assignments

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When adding new assignments, is there any other way to move them in the instructor gradebook other than dragging them one by one through all of the other assignments in the gradebook to get them where you want.

I would assume that if I put them in the "Assignments" the way that I want them, they would appear in the gradebook this way as well, but this is not the case.

Thank you for any help.

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1 Solution


Changing the order of the columns directly from the gradebook is for your benefit and your benefit only. It's a personal customization that does not apply to anyone else other than yourself. What you change there won't be seen by anyone else. That's by design.

Dragging an assignment group around will change your view in the gradebook provided you do not have not customized the order manually. If you have reordered columns from within the gradebook, then you will need to go into the Gradebook Settings and change the sort order to Default View and then click Apply Settings. Refreshing the browser multiple times does not pick up changes if there has been manual customization.

However, it sounds like you're trying to do this for students. That's very considerate and thoughtful, but Canvas already has you taken care of.

Students do not see things in same order we do, so how we organize things is really for ourselves more than the students.

Students do not see assignments page in the order we see them. By default, they see overdue assignments first, followed by upcoming assignments, undated (no due date) assignments, and past assignments. This is explained in the Canvas Student Guide lesson How do I view Assignments as a student?

Students do not see the same gradebook that instructors see. What they see is explained in How do I view my grades in a current course?

The student's default sort order is by date so the content that is due first will appear first. As long as you have a due date on those items at the beginning of the semester, they should show up first.

If you don't have a due date, put them in. Canvas works better with due dates. Several types of reminders and benefits to students rely on the due dates.

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