Module specific calendars in Google Calendar

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So i've already linked my Canvas calendar to my Google calendar, it just shows other things.

I'm added to a couple of courses as a TA, but that also means that the assignments for the students are also visible in my calendar. Luckily I can turn off course specific calendars within Canvas, but that does seem to transfer to my Google calender.

So my question is how do I make sure only the selected calendars in Canvas show up in my Google calendar? 

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good afternoon, @NickKleine ...

Unfortunately, I don't think you can filter out courses you don't want to include from your Canvas Calendar into your Google Calendar.  In taking a look at the following Guide, the second sentence in the first paragraph of the light-blue box confirms this:

"The calendar feed will contain events and assignments from all of your Canvas calendars, including reserved Scheduler appointment slots."

How do I subscribe to the Calendar feed using Goog... - Instructure Community (

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

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