Message students who... Haven't submitted yet (Developer/Admin)

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Recently we have had contact with a user who would like to be able to send messages to students who have not submitted yet but are seeing the whole roster. 

On our side, we update a submission with the user's score. However, this does not appear to update the user's submission as submitted. Is there any method that a developer using the API can take in order to get both the submitted and graded options in "Message students who..." correct? It does not appear that the put request has the parameters necessary for this. 

1 Solution
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@joshuah_martin -

Your first sentence has me confused.  Because I can send a message to only students who have not submitted.  I wrote what is below first, and now I am adding in that I may not be following exactly what you are trying to ask.  

I played around with this some, and what I found is:
1) the assignment must have a submission capability to actually see the message students who have not submitted
2) Any student not having a grade is in the list of message students who have not been graded
3) If a student just receives a grade, but did not submit through the assignment - i.e. sent it to the teacher instead or turned it in in person, then they are still on the message students who have not submitted list (I believe this is what you are referring to)

For a normal case, I believe that everything works fine.  A problem arises if a teacher wants online submissions and takes some submissions in person or via email.  Then you run into issues.

For a normal case where all submissions are done through the assignment, then the message students who have not submitted works fine. 

If the teacher takes submissions other than through the assignment, then you have an issue of not being able to correctly contact the correct students who have not submitted.  Of course you can always deselect the non-standard submission students from the list of students to message for not submitting.


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