Good morning, @VanessaRojas ...
It sounds like you are a student looking for the Media icon that is described under the heading "Upload Media from Toolbar" in this Guide:
It is possible that your school's Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning Center / eLearning Center / Distance Education department has this disabled for all courses in your Canvas environment. In the Canvas admin screens, there is an option called "Disable uploads to Canvas Media from the enhanced rich content editor". Your school's Canvas administrator can use this Guide to turn the Media button in the RCE (Rich Content Editor) on or off.
Your instructor may need to reach out to your school's Canvas admin to have a conversation about this. I found this page on your school's website that might be of help to you: Canvas Support (
Good luck as you have these conversations at your school! Let folks in the Community know if we can be of further help. Thanks!