Manually changing course term dates

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As a K-12 teacher, I regularly cut off assignments about 1 week prior to the end of a quarter to give me time to grade work, re-grade late submissions, and account for student absences causing them to miss a due date.  This means that there is overlap between the due dates for assignments AFTER my cut off, but BEFORE the quarter is over that I don't want applied to a student's grade until the next quarter.  Currently the only way I around this issue that I have found is to fudge the due dates for the overlapping assignments to have Canvas apply them to the next quarter.  This is not ideal as it gives students the impression that they have much longer to complete the assignments than they really do.  Is there a way to manually change the date that Canvas recognizes as the end of a grading period so that both the assignment due dates AND grading periods in which they are reported/applied are accurate?  Or, is there a way to assign assignments to a specific grading period?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @katie_rhodes 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. Your situation and requirements are a bit difficult to accommodate given the grading periods and terms Canvas and your school specifically have setup. If your course participation dates are set to term and that term is tied to a grading period that ends - but then you make those assignment extended due dates into the next grading period or term - yes, it will show those assignments in the next term. The due dates are specifically tied to terms or grading periods when your school opts into using them. An easy fix is to set your course participation to "course" and not term and then extend that date. However, depending on your school this may or may not be an option. Unfortunately, that is how the grading periods and terms are setup. You may want to consider speaking with your institution directly to find a solution that can accommodate your needs. Hopefully this helps albeit not the answer you were looking for. 

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