Locking ALL content objects in blueprint

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Is there a way for the general object checkboxes in the blueprint settings to allow us to lock ALL content in the blueprint? Instead of having to do this 1 by 1 for each piece of content on the blueprint page?

I see there was a post on something similar in 2020 which hasn't had any movement since. (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Blueprint-automatically-lock-content/idi-p/349... ) 

Any suggestions? It would save us SO much time 🤧

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You should be able to lock all content by going to the "Settings" page of the Blueprint. Under "Blueprint Course", select "Locked Objects by Type" then expand each type and select "Content"

Blueprint Lock Content.png

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Community Participant

Thank you for your response. What I was actually looking for was a way to lock multiple content items at once. Sadly this isn't possible, I received confirmation from our CSM at Instructure that the checkboxes simply enable the ability for this to be done across the blueprint into the associated courses. However, this action still needs to be done selectively instead of as a blanket method. 

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